Tally Up the Sharts...
When Mr. T was first born, Gator Guy and I would track everything down on paper. Everything. As most new moms do, with their new breastfeeding worksheet from the hospital in hand, I realized what a handy little way it was to track what the heck is going on and continued this for weeks. Of course using a simple piece of paper and pen (rather than the much overrated Itzbeen), we would track each time Mr. T would eat, how long he would breastfeed on each side, and what his diaper was like:
Wet, Poopy, and Sharts. Yes...Sharts
Gator Guy and Along Came Polly describe it best: "You know when you fart and a little shit comes out? This is called a shart."
And in my postpartum-little-sleep-daze-of-a-mind-set, tallying it up and tracking Mr. T's Sharts seemed like a perfectly normal thing to do!
Posted in: baby, Between a Kat and a Gator, Only a Mother Would Say on Sunday, February 21, 2010 at
That had to be the funniest part of the movie. I never laughed so hard...