1. Running - I have steered clear of all running this pregnancy. I ran quite a bit the first go round with Mr. T and wonder if that contributed to the 7 weeks of bed rest. This time, I am sticking to the gym and yoga, however, I just miss being able to go for a run. The other night we had a beautiful rain storm and that would have been a perfect moment to put on my shoes, hat and go jog it out in the sprinkling rain. I saw someone else running and glared at them in pure jealousy.
2. Beer - Let's be honest, this should be number 1, but I just didn't want to feel too much like I have a problem. But really...it is hard not to have a beverage especially during the summer. There is just something about sitting on the back deck and drinking an IPA, stout, Shandy in a can....I'll take any of it. Many have said, but you can have a glass of wine, the baby will be fine!! However, that is not what I want. I want a strong, flavorful, 10% IPA microbrew that comes with a cork. Some people collect wine corks, I have a thing for Bomber Corks. I day dream about what my first beer will be in October. Right now, the verdict is Little Sumthin.
3. Intense Work Outs - Gator Guy is motivated...all the damn time. And I usually am too. I love kicking my own ass at the gym and I really miss doing it. Especially now seeing the scale go up each week. I seriously miss dripping sweat because I pushed my muscles to their edge!!
4. Drinks with my dearest E - Last summer was my first being a teacher. And my dear e was pregnant with her sweet Charlie. Now, I'm the preggers of the group on summer #2 and we still can't indulge in some beverages and go to the local dive bar to feel better about our lives. Next summer E!!
5. Shorts - Last summer I had a pair of orange shorts. They were pretty short, but I ended up loving them, especially after getting a little sun on my legs. But now the thought of wearing shorts in public is terrifying. Who wants to see these legs???? No one. Absolutely No One.
6. Laying on my Stomach - It seems so simple, but boy do I miss it. I finally bought a pool inner tube just so I could get a little bit of the feeling. Still not that same. And btw, check out Mr. T's little thigh rolls!! He was and still is just the cutest!!
7. My pre-pregnancy body - Ok, so I never looked like this cartoon...but you get the idea! This one I think about every single freaking day. I worked hard to be in shape. And to see my thighs continue to grow, it breaks my heart. Also makes me wonder wtf?? Why is it necessary for a layer of extra fat to be put on these thunder thighs?? Seriously. I'm pretty sure my quads can carry the extra belly weight without insulation being added. I am also terrified at the number of spider veins that have been added to my legs as well. It is like damn Charlotte, her web, and her whole damn family has decided to camp out permanently. I appreciate all the comments of "you look so great! You carry the baby weight so well." Most of the time I can be polite and say thank you. Deep down, I am saying screw you. You know you can see my fat ass, thighs and face. Damn you October!!! You seem so far away!!
8. Sushi - Not a huge deal, but I would LOVE some sushi. Its amazing how you follow all the rules to a T the first go round and blow that out of the water on child number 2. So yes, I have had some spicy tuna rolls and other delish sushi this time. Now I just want more. Perhaps some saki too.
9. Twisting and Floor Bow - Yoga has become a big passion of mine. (Thanks E for changing my life in multiple ways). And I LOVED to twist. It was relaxing, cleansing, and a must do in each class. Obviously that is out of the question now. Floor bow was also one of my favorite poses and I miss it so. However, on a plus side my practice has changed in other ways as I now can mostly just focus on my breath.
10. My Confidence - its true. This pregnancy has really rocked my confidence. From everything to I think people are judging what I wear, what I do, when I work out, what kind of mother I am, and when I will come back to work. Before that...I was the type of person that says, screw you...
I do what I want. It is getting a little better now that I'm on the home stretch, but it is still frustrating that I am not the confident person I was before. Damn you pregnancy!! Screwing with my emotions!!
Posted in:
3rd Trimester,
Annoys Me,
Baby #2,
Must Drink,
Saturday, August 3, 2013