1. The Build Up - We talked about his Big Boy Potty Day for quite some time. Discussed how he is now three and does not need diapers anymore. I felt like there definitely was more of a difference this last month talking about it than if we tried any earlier.
2. Patience - and a free schedule of going no where. Seriously, going potty takes time. Especially when you do it 40 million times in one day and that is all you talk about!!!
3. Big Boy Underwear - We picked out his underwear with nothing else but Lightning McQueen on it. He instantly fell in love.
4. Potty Seat - In case you didn't see the theme here, Mr. T now has a couple of Cars potty seats. They are "very cool" as he says and also has the very necessary pee guard for boys.
5. Potty in One Day Doll - It was an old school method (thanks to my neighbor), but I think it really helped for Mr. T to see that the doll had to go and especially what happens when she has an accident.
6. Salty Snacks - Nothing makes a boy (or Mama) more thirsty than some salt & vinegar chips and dill pickle pringles.
7. Sugary Drinks - This one is a two fold. First, to get as many liquids down as possible. The sugar taste makes it more fun to drink than just water. Second, the sugary drink doesn't really satisfy the thirst as well as water, gatorade or natural juice. So keep those fluids flowing!!!
8. Candy to reward each and every potty trip - Not much else to say about that. Mr. T loves any kind of candy or food.
9. A BFF to bring over lunch and have a dance (and yoga pose) break - What a lifesaver my Dearest E and Best Buddy P was today. The sandwiches, company, and little break for some dancing and down dog moves was just what we needed.
10. Potty books - Courtesy of the local library. However, it makes me wonder how many times these books have been used ON the actual potty around all kinds of kid's pee and poop!!
11. A Stop Watch - To time the potty every 10 minutes in the morning....then every 15, then 30, and now we are to 45 min. Exhausting I must say.
12. A Potty Dance and Song - We had a few that we tried. But he thought this one was hilarious.
13. Family and Friends to Celebrate - We made a few phone calls and sent some texts today to make sure that it was a big day. Everyone of course joined in and I'm sure Gator Guy just loved to take a break from finance talk and discuss poop and pee at work :)
Posted in:
3 year old,
Big Boy,
Potty Training
Friday, March 30, 2012