28 Weeks

Well this pic is from 28 weeks even though I am 29 weeks today. Doesn't seem like that big of a difference but when you are on the home stretch I will take every freaking day I can get!!

Symptoms and emotions are up and down and all over the freaking place. But taking just one day at a time and concentrating on spending the rest of summer with Mr. T, getting the baby's room ready, and prepping for the new school year!! Not busy at all 😉

You Really Can Find Everything on Pinterest

And I laugh at this one. Will never let my daughter wear it. But I still laugh.

It's the Little Things

I am seriously so darn lucky.  It has been a rough week with how I have been feeling emotionally and physically.  (3rd trimester SUCKS!!)  And it has been even more frustrating with both my OB and thyroid doctors on vacation and unable to answer my questions.  But Gator Guy is my rock.  He is always there for me and surprises me with the little things.  

Today I got an ecard telling me to feel better. So simple, and yet means so much.
Get Well Hug!

It reminds me of when we were just young and in love and AOL was cool.  We would send ecards all the time to each other, and I remember spending hours looking at websites for the perfect card with the perfect song just to say hi.  It was just what I needed today.

And even more kudos were given to Gator Guy this weekend.  I spent most of the time in bed and he came home with a big smile on his face saying he bought something at The Man Store (a.k.a. Lowes) for the baby.  Totally confused at first but then realizing that it was at the Man Store that had the perfect chandelier that I wanted for the baby's room.  I of course have been on a hunt for a cheaper version, but he thought he was a necessity and a perfect little gift from him to her.

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He is truly amazing. 

Baby Basketball

Gator Guy says this one looks like a basketball or a fake bump somehow. I have to agree. Low and out...it's how I roll. 

Where is My Mind

My Dearest E played this song in her yoga class this week.  I am in LOVE with it.  It is my new "Must Stop, Breathe, and Relax" song.  Some day when I decide to actually play the piano again, this is a Must Learn!!  Thanks E  ;) 

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