To Tell or Not To Tell

That is the big question. Ok, so you have pulled the goalie, gone through Full Force Operation TTC, brought in the referee and have had that BFP. Now the next decision... who to tell, when and how.

Let's be honest, I am a blogger and therefore an open book! And I am a most of my life is planned out in my playbook. So there was no question at all on whether we would wait until the 2nd trimester to tell. Seriously for me, it was hard to not call everyone up right then and there after the BFP and blurt out that Baby Gapp would be here soon (ha...little did I know that 40 weeks would be the longest of my life).

Who's On First
The order was a no brainer. Step One....Tell Parents (oh wait - of course I already told my dearest please ladies always have him be Step One. Unless of course you don't know who your baby's daddy is...and well...I just can't help you with that). So now Step Two = Parents. We told my parents first and then the in-laws. Of course they were all so excited...I mean who wouldn't be?!? If we could have a dog as cute as ours, who could imagine just how cute our baby would be!!

Make it Official
Next we made it to our first appointment with the OB. After that it was official. There, up on the screen was a little peanut. Actually, not even a peanut yet, more just a little tiny blob. But he was our tiny blob and it was the most amazing moment of my life up to that point. The OB printed out some keepsake U/S photos and we were off. After that it was maddness. Step 3 = girlfriends. Step 4 = husband's buddies. Step 5 = Tell boss. Dead Last Step 6 = facebook it...which we did wait 12 weeks for that one!

An Oops versus Planned
I had a hard time thinking about this. We all know that if the referee was called in an unplanned emergency, lets say in the good ol' college days, I would have called my girls ASAP crying and bawling my eyes out.

But now, its all planned now and we have to keep it a secret?!? Ryan and I had been envisioning what it would be like with a baby for a while. It was something that we were so happy about and yet we kept it Hush Hush until it was official. And I only waited a couple of weeks!! I know that there are many couples that wait until 12 weeks for the risk of miscarriage to greatly decrease. For me, if that did happen (Thank God that it didn't and we have our little man now), I think I would need the support of all my friends and family. So IMO, no sense in waiting.

Either way, it is a decision that you and your husband make together. Because once the cat is out of the bag and your playbook is made then become everyone's business. Just wait, the tummy rubbing, instant advice, and constant checking up on you will soon begin!


  1. My ex-wife and I had TWO miscarriages before we had our first child. On the first one we basically just never thought a miscarriage would happen to us so as soon as we knew she was pregnant it was all out there... then on the second one, we had Only told our parents.... because damnit we can learn.... We were a mess during our daughters pregnancy, just hoping it would not happen again.

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