Ride 'em CowGirl
I LOVE the PBR. Professional Bull Riders. Professional Bull Awesomeness. I mean really...there just isn't anything better that those cowboys ridin' bulls in their chaps, buckles, and tight pants. (Mmmm, I Heart You Justin McBride) It is the most exciting 8 seconds as they hang on for their dear life.
And even though I am a cowgirl at heart but really a suburbanite, I have never sat my little tush on a massive beast (bull that is...goodness...get your head out of the gutter). Instead, I am a PMBRTA (Professional Mechanical Bull Rider That's Awesome). Obviously you can take out the "Professional" part, but if there was such a thing, I probably would have qualified. (Key word: WOULD).
Being a PMBRTA is a part of my past. Each Wednesday, me and my other cowgirlfriends, would head on over to the popular country bar in town, The Stampede. Now, for those that are familiar with this bar you know all of this already, but for those that don't: it is by far the most random assortment of people you will ever see in one building. It is a country bar, so you of course get your swing-dancin-cowboy-hat-wearin-yee-hawin folks. But it is also ladies drink free, they play rap in between two-steppin jams, AND it is in good ol A-Town. So you get just about every other social clique around. Seriously, the Best place for People Watching.
Along with 5 bars and a ring dance floor, the "Pede" has a mechanical bull. MY mechanical bull. And I made it a point to ride each week and beat my previous record. And so, on a particular Wednesday night I got on that bull, tightened my grip, threw up my right hand and gave the nod to begin.
Side Note: On a mechanical bull there is a dial from 0-100 for the speed.
On this infamous night...I not only beat THE record for girls (which was of course mine), but I got to 92. Yee Haw! However, I later came to my self in a chair on the side with the manager of the bar, manager of the bull, my closest cowgirlfriend, and not a clue how the heck I got there and off My mechanical bull. So Yes you guessed right.... I was knocked off the bull and knocked out unconscious.I can of course laugh about it now since no permanent damage was done (as I signed my life away in that waiver). But it was shocking at first to look into the mirror and see that only half of my face would smile.
My best cowgirlfriend yelled, "get the girl away from the mirror"
as I teared up and whined, "My smile is Broken!" Luckily it was just a few days that I couldn't even open my mouth for a spoon.
So why do I share all of this? Well one, it is probably a part of my life that will never fully come back now that I am a Mother. I will never become a PMBRTA, just a Mechanical Bull Rider That Was Awesome And Got Knocked Out (and knocked up).
And two, my very first dream during my pregnancy where I was actually pregnant in the dream....I was riding a mechanical bull....Naturally. And so:
Dear Mechanical Bull,
You and I have had some great times. You kept me coming to your place each week and challenged me all the time. But unfortunately, you have hurt me and I don't know if I can ever get over that. I tried once to come back and rekindled our relationship, but it just wasn't the same. I was afraid of getting hurt again. When I think of you, my heart begins to race and I just don't know if I can ever get over it. Like I said, we have had some good times. But I don't even think we can be friends after this. I think it is time for both of us to move on. I wish you the best.
Posted in: Prebaby Madness, sports on Thursday, October 29, 2009 at